Dream Yoga
The Lost Art of Dream Yoga
The magical world of sleep is one of the least explored frontiers in our human experience and it’s also one of the richest. We can make amends with people (alive or those who’ve passed), we can heal wounds, solve work problems, dig up answers to questions we have and much much more.
In fact, the idea that our brains “go dead” and things shut down are old notions of how sleep works. We’ll look at the latest in sleep science to understand what our brains are doing naturally. This way we can tap into latent powers and faculties that have been waiting for us...right under our noses.
We’re going to help you build and maintain a strong foundation for this work so you can achieve real success. That starts with the body as the temple. The Hun, or Ethereal Soul needs a healthy anchor in the liver and the blood and the Shen or Spirit must rest comfortably in the heart. We’ll build this foundation with some exercises and herbs to help you prepare your body for this type of practice before diving deeper into further modules.
From there we’ll explore the idea of dream yoga as taught in various ancient traditions across the globe. We’ll anchor in solid philosophical grounding and then teach you how to layer protection for yourself energetically before beginning. This is a critical step as many people mess around with this type of work and get in trouble. That’s a bad idea.
Dr Shojai comes from a strong lineage that anchors the practice in a safe cocoon for your ultimate growth, protection and longevity.
Week by week, we’ll build on your skills and teach you how to explore various realms. There’s a lot to discover about yourself and the nature of the Universe so this work is extremely rewarding. It’s not terribly hard to do. It just takes practice and an experienced teacher. You will get both of those here.
Here are some of the key learnings you’ll enjoy in the course:
- How to prepare your body for deep sleep and dream yoga
- How to create an orb of protection and how to phase shift out of realms you are visiting
- How to always tether back to your body
- How to move your consciousness out of your body and explore familiar settings first
- How to connect with loved ones and interact on the astral plane
- How to heal past traumas and use Dream Yoga to mend old wounds
- Clever ways to transform energies in your everyday life while you sleep
- How to set subconscious goals and embed them in the fertile soul of your mind
- And so much more…
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